Gravy & Grace

Anyone can help this group: collecting grocery bags, straightening them out, cutting them into loops and joining the loops into long chains.......It's just like kid's play for grown-ups!  

Welcome to the “Real” Calendar

No longer a "test" calendar, you can find September activities, meetings and special announcements here now! Thank you for your patience. Please feel free to comment on anything to Pastor Calvin or Vicki Parnell (see the "Contact Us" section of the website.)

Sunday School

Classes for all ages. Nursery is available for infants.

10:30 Worship Service

Living a Life of Praise and Thanksgiving Communion will be offered during this service Guitarist will play and sing "The Fannin Song" Psalm 100:1-5 Exodus 15:11 II Chronicles 5:13-14  

Labor Day

From the U.M. Book of Worship: a prayer for Labor Day: O God, you have bound us together in this life. Give us grace to understand how our lives depend on the courage, the industry, the honesty, and the integrity of all who labor. May we be mindful of their needs, grateful for their faithfulness, [...]

Gravy & Grace

The Fellowship Hall

Learn how this group can make "treasures" from items most of us consider to be "trash"