10 events found.
Common Grounds, a time for Fellowship
Between Sunday School and Morning Worship Snacks and Coffee available
16th Sunday after Pentecost
Church SanctuarySermon: "Lewis & Clark - Plan B" Scriptures: Acts 10:24-35 Acts 15:1-12 I Corinthians 9:19-23
Youth Group Meets
This group is for Middle School through High School Seniors
Children’s Mid-Week Activities
The Fellowship HallElementary Ages are All Welcome!
Gravy & Grace
The Fellowship HallPrayer Hour
in Sanctuary
Executive Church Council Meeting
Preparing for our upcoming Charge Conference
17th Sunday After Pentecost
Church SanctuaryMorning Worship: "Lewis & Clark: A Church Reborn" Acts 3:3-6 II Corinthians 5:15-17 COME, FEEL THE WELCOME!
Family Night
Click on the link below to get acquainted with our guest speaker for September. Bring your favorite dish (or take-out) and enjoy! Family Night on Sept. 19_Janet Ferguson