East Jackson District Charge Conference

Everyone is asked to attend. There will be a church "roll call", music from the District Choir, sermon by Bishop James E. Swanson, Sr. and affirming the works of our churches in the conference through reporting from each church. The Theme this year is "When the Roll is Called Up Yonder"

Children’s Choir

ages 5 and up Led by Ms. Tina and Ms. Nikki

Prayer Hour

Church Sanctuary

Youth Group

The Fellowship Hall

Middle School through High School Seniors welcome!

Trunk or Treat

230 Baker Lane Road 230 Baker Lane Road, Brandon, MS

This is an event for all! Adults: drive your auto to the event and decorate it! We will have people stationed to direct you where and how to park! Treats for all! The hosts have a hot-dog roast, so side dishes to go with hot-dogs are welcome also! Bring friends and neighbors!